Donation to animal shelter in Toronto
Greetings fellow animal lovers. We are proud to announce our 4th donation for an animal shelter. This time we sponsor shelter in Toronto, Canada - Toronto Animal Services Organization.
On May 20, 2011, the Toronto Animal Services Organization received our generous donation which consisted of canned digestive foods, dental bones, toys, one scratching post and other great treats for the dogs and cats living in their shelter. Of course, we also didn’t forget about the birds living in the shelter and they received treats too.
This wouldn’t been possible without your assistance. So we want to say a big thank you to all of our loyal followers for making our current donation possible.
Here is a quick diary of this project:
May 16, 2011
After gathering a list of items to pick-up for the shelter (Toronto Animal Services) we headed down to the Pet Shop located at 252 Queen Street West. Despite the misery rainy weather, this didn’t dampen our enthusiasm and determination to complete our mission.
During our visit at the Pet Shop, the friendly workers were surprised to hear about our website devoted to helping animals and they were so generous to give us a box of treats. We want to thank the Pet Shop and our friend Aman who helped us with the purchase and delivery of our items to the shelter.
May 20, 2011
The big day arrived and we drove to the shelter to deliver our goodies. We were excited to see those dogs and cats there. After we dropped off our donation, we went to the room where all the dogs and cats were kept and we must say that it is always very emotional to see those poor animals without home and love.
All the lovely dogs and cats looked so sad. Looking around the room, there was one particular grey cat that was very excited to see us there. After being released from her cage, we couldn't resist not to play and cuddle with her. It was sad when we had to put her back in her cage as she seems she didn't want to go back to the cage but would love to find loving home..
Afterwards, we went to visit the dogs and we played with one very friendly dog named Sam. Sam is a really cute dog and he was also happy that we were playing together too. To say him bye was difficult and we wished we could have taken these entire lovely pets home with us. After spending a total of one and a-half-hours at the animal shelter, it was time to leave. Although we were sad, we felt good that we could help at least little bit.
After each time we spend time in animal shelter we see how important is that if you are planning to get a dog or cat, please go to an animal shelter first before going to buy pet. It will help very much. There are lots of beautiful yet lonely friends ready to be taken to a loving home environment!
Here are the address and contact numbers for the Pet Shop and the Toronto Animal Services:
The Pet Shop - 252 Queen Street West, Toronto, ON, Canada M5V 2E5 (416) 738-8439
Toronto Animal Services – West Region, 146 East Mall, Toronto, ON Canada (416) 338-7297
Once again we would like to thank everyone involved who donated and assisted with our successful completed fourth project! Please continue to follow us and help us to make more projects in future.